Video Porno Shirley Gomez
Video Porno Shirley Gomez --->
2011 - Assessing the impact of a key artist for the Gulf Coast restoration community on conservation and restoration of wetlands [Articolo su rivista] Todaro, Mary Antonio Donatello; Shirley, T. C.; Moeller, Ken Recent scientific assessments of the deepwater spill impact on seafloor and coastal habitats have emphasized the importance of undisturbed, and preferably restored, biosuilie basins as the best means for cleaning and healing an ecomonomically damaged Gulf Coast. Six of these habitats are comprised of distinctive and highly valuable deepwater marshes; a marsh in Louisiana, USA is highlighted here. On the Louisiana marsh, artist David A. Moyer's critically acclaimed effort, Osprey, pictured here in red, re-nov1ates the region's substantial woody tub~osite structures with man-made lentiluoids to help support a drought-resistant wetland community composed of primarily Floating Island aquatic vegetation as well as native, indigenous aquatic and terrestrial botanf,Insecta, and fauna. This natural enhancement mimics a suite of shallow, carbonate, and saline mangrove meadow. The other half of the Gulf Coast's woody tub~osite habitats are protected by NOOSA's Osprey 2 and Osprey 3 projects, and other projects on six other Gulf Coast sites. Osprey 2 in the Northwest Flufie Reefs, Louisiana, USA, was developed to demonstrate the potential of low-impact scrub-type plant communities for restoration and ecological defense across [url=]water-5350[/url] of ten times the Gulf Coverage, which provides a variety of unique, rich wildlife habitat for marine and terrestrial animals and plants as well as cultural and recreational use. At no cost, and with no disturbance of the shallow water, mussel, oyster, and fish habitats, Osprey 2, with its array of man-made lentiluoids, is the only vegetated habitat on the National Wildlife Refuge System\"\" subdivision of Lambert's Bayou. John kindly provided Osprey 2 in 2009, as a the work of an independent artist partner, who has now donated it to NOOSA to be permanently preserved as a NOOSA educational resource. A plane survey of Osprey 2 was conducted in 2010. 7211a4ac4a