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Noah Robinson
Noah Robinson

Ian McHarg: el pionero de proyectar con la naturaleza | Libro PDF

The influence of McHarg on sustainability continues to be felt in this country and across the world. In 2007, McHargs colleague, the University of Pennsylvania historian Nathan M. Heavys book on Ians work is published. Nature and the American Mind, 1891-1939 explores the intellectual and professional development of a man who would become one of the founders of the sustainability movement.

proyectar con la naturaleza ian mcharg pdf download

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Since the original publication of the book, more than one hundred articles have been written on McHarg and his work. Many of these are of the scholarly nature and few contain new interpretations of his work. One of the best is the book by Les Alderson of Harvard titled Earth, Vision and Experience: The Life and Legacy of Ivan R. McHarg (2011). Alderson looks not just at the biography of McHarg, but he also highlights his influence and the contributions that McHarg made as an environmental planner and architect. He notes that McHarg was the first to use the term sustainability in an academic context and that his work and ideas helped develop the concept.

To sum up the essence of Design With Nature, McHarg wrote: We have a responsibility to make the world better by making our own part of the world better. We owe no special favors to nature. To the contrary, our design and planning interventions should be judged by the amount of damage they do to the environment. In this sense, and with one of the most difficult words in the English language, we are ecological planning. We are addressing more than the physical environment: we are in fact addressing the entire environment. Its past, present, and future. Everything that affects human beings and everything that affects all other species.


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