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Noah Robinson
Noah Robinson

CleanMem Mini Monitor: a free tool to optimize your memory usage

How to optimize your memory usage with CleanMem Mini Monitor

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to improve your computer's performance and reduce memory usage, you may want to try CleanMem Mini Monitor. This is a free tool that works with CleanMem, a program that cleans your system memory every 15 minutes by default. CleanMem Mini Monitor is an add-on that gives you more options and control over CleanMem, such as displaying memory usage, setting custom intervals, and activating the pro version with a serial number.

cleanmem mini monitor serial number

What is CleanMem and how does it work

CleanMem is a free program that cleans your system memory by asking Windows to do it. Unlike other memory cleaners that force the memory to be freed, CleanMem works in a gentle and safe way, without causing any harm or instability to your system. CleanMem does not change the working set of a process, but only the standby list, which is the list of pages that have been removed from the working set but are still available in physical memory. By cleaning the standby list, CleanMem reduces the paging file usage and improves the overall performance of your system.

CleanMem runs every 15 minutes by default, using the Windows Task Scheduler. You can change this interval or disable it by using the CleanMem Settings program in the start menu. You can also configure CleanMem to do more advanced things, such as ignore lists, only lists, and log files.

What is CleanMem Mini Monitor and what are its features

CleanMem Mini Monitor is an add-on that works with CleanMem, but does not replace it. It is a small application that runs in the system tray and displays your current memory usage. You can also access various options and tools by right-clicking on the icon. Some of the features of CleanMem Mini Monitor are:

  • Displaying memory usage in percentage or MB.

  • Setting custom intervals for cleaning memory.

  • Setting custom hotkeys for cleaning memory manually.

  • Setting custom thresholds for cleaning memory automatically.

  • Activating the pro version with a serial number.

  • Accessing various tools and information, such as process list, system information, performance monitor, etc.

CleanMem Mini Monitor is a free/pro program. All features in the mini monitor from v1.7.0 are included and still free, including some new features that were added later. The pro version of the mini monitor is simply extra features, such as tools and information. There are no nag screens or pop-ups asking you to upgrade to pro or anything like that.

How to get the serial number for CleanMem Mini Monitor Pro

If you want to unlock the pro features of CleanMem Mini Monitor, you need to get a serial number for it. The serial number costs $4.99 U.S. Dollar and can be purchased from the official website of, which is the developer of CleanMem and CleanMem Mini Monitor. You can pay by credit card or PayPal and once your order has been processed and confirmed, your key code will come via email. Make sure you allow emails from through your spam filter. You can contact them if you have any trouble.

To activate the pro version of CleanMem Mini Monitor, you need to enter your serial number in the settings window of the mini monitor. You can access it by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray and choosing Settings. Then you need to click on Register Pro Version and enter your serial number in the box. Click on Register and you are done.

Why you should use CleanMem Mini Monitor

CleanMem Mini Monitor is a useful tool that can help you optimize your memory usage and improve your computer's performance. By using it with CleanMem, you can reduce the paging file usage, prevent memory leaks, avoid crashes and slowdowns, and extend the life of your system. CleanMem Mini Monitor also gives you more options and control over CleanMem, such as setting custom intervals, thresholds, hotkeys, etc. You can also access various tools and information that can help you monitor and troubleshoot your system.

If you are interested in cleanmem mini monitor serial number, you can visit the official website of and buy it for a small fee. You can also download CleanMem and CleanMem Mini Monitor for free and try them out yourself. You will be surprised by how much difference they can make to your system. 4e3182286b


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